Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Sift Heads World act1(part 1)

Hello,readers!!!I want to tell the story of Sift Heads World Act 1 story.
(Vinnie's Safe House)
Vinnie and Kiro is at house and Vinnie just washing his Mustang Shebly car.

"I know u like wat thing...old warehuose,old rock music,old rundown car......"Kiro said.

" My car is a collection pieces...and not just like u that poor motorbike!!!"Vinnie said.

"Well,I think u r the old bounty hunter......"

Ring!!!Ring!!!(Vinnie's handphone called)

"I take it."

Shorty:"It's me,Shorty."
Shorty:"I saw the Italian Mafia just regrouped now..."
Vinnie:"Where r u now???"
Shorty:"Near the old port."
Vinnie:"Ok, i'm going now."
"Want to sit my car??"


"Things will going to interesting!!!!"

(One minute later...)

"We r here..."
"U see...the Italian Mafia is want to go into the blackmarket now..."
"But ur girlfriend is still young..."Kiro said.
"Let's see..."Vinnie said
"These place has many guards,so go down be careful!!!"Shorty said.

"Well, it's only five guards,i will take them down!!!"

Vinnie take a gun name Glock.He go down and the guard saw him...


The guards where dead...

Vinnie go to find the boss.

Chicha!!!A guy uses a gun pointing him.

"I can't image that I catch u sooo easily!!!"
"Who r u???"
"I'm a guy who will clean ur mess,but u can call me,Alonzo!!!Since 2002 our mafia profits r going down..."
"Sorry to be such a pain in the ass..."

Kiro bring up his ninja sword to prepare...(Cannot tell first!!!)

"So I'm going to put u DOWN!!!!U made a mistake by coming alone...SAY GOODBYE!!!"Alonzo said.
"I'm not alone!!!"

Kiro take his sword n copped Alonzo's right hand...n the gun flyyy to Vinnie.N take the gun to shoot him n his henchmen...


To be continue...