Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Sift Heads World act1(part 1)

Hello,readers!!!I want to tell the story of Sift Heads World Act 1 story.
(Vinnie's Safe House)
Vinnie and Kiro is at house and Vinnie just washing his Mustang Shebly car.

"I know u like wat thing...old warehuose,old rock music,old rundown car......"Kiro said.

" My car is a collection pieces...and not just like u that poor motorbike!!!"Vinnie said.

"Well,I think u r the old bounty hunter......"

Ring!!!Ring!!!(Vinnie's handphone called)

"I take it."

Shorty:"It's me,Shorty."
Shorty:"I saw the Italian Mafia just regrouped now..."
Vinnie:"Where r u now???"
Shorty:"Near the old port."
Vinnie:"Ok, i'm going now."
"Want to sit my car??"


"Things will going to interesting!!!!"

(One minute later...)

"We r here..."
"U see...the Italian Mafia is want to go into the blackmarket now..."
"But ur girlfriend is still young..."Kiro said.
"Let's see..."Vinnie said
"These place has many guards,so go down be careful!!!"Shorty said.

"Well, it's only five guards,i will take them down!!!"

Vinnie take a gun name Glock.He go down and the guard saw him...


The guards where dead...

Vinnie go to find the boss.

Chicha!!!A guy uses a gun pointing him.

"I can't image that I catch u sooo easily!!!"
"Who r u???"
"I'm a guy who will clean ur mess,but u can call me,Alonzo!!!Since 2002 our mafia profits r going down..."
"Sorry to be such a pain in the ass..."

Kiro bring up his ninja sword to prepare...(Cannot tell first!!!)

"So I'm going to put u DOWN!!!!U made a mistake by coming alone...SAY GOODBYE!!!"Alonzo said.
"I'm not alone!!!"

Kiro take his sword n copped Alonzo's right hand...n the gun flyyy to Vinnie.N take the gun to shoot him n his henchmen...


To be continue...

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Shorty's early life

Let's see...I already told two Sift Heads members' stories.Now,this is the last Sift Heads members's story,Shorty.

Shorty has somewhat of a hazy past. Even if she came from a wealthy French family and was naturally blessed she quickly became exhausted and sought to bring some action in her life. Wanting to live dangerously she began to flirt with drug dealers in Eastern Europe. When things started to go wrong that’s when she decided to leave the country and join the best bounty hunter currently known: Vinnie!

From there on both would write history and Shorty’s reputation would take off thanks to her partner’s notoriety. But one day their bond would be tested when one of Vinnie’s enemies kidnaps her to get closer to him. Wrong plan... to provoke Bonnie & Clyde! Kiro, who was a strong enough adversary to Vinnie, would be defeated but then invited to join the couple’s clan (see: Sift Renegade 2). And from there Sift Heads World – Act 1 had begun!

Kiro's early life

Now,I want to tell about Kiro's early life.

Kiro is the son of a well known family with direct ties to the Japanese mafia; better known as the Yakuza. He was one of the best assassins of his clan and with a portfolio garnished with so many assassinations it’s no surprise that he quickly became one of the best killers in the orient. His dexterity with all types of Samurai weapons would become essential and his expertise.

One day his youngest brother would lose his life because of the internal corruption that was raging among the organisation. From that day Kiro’s anger exploded into a black vengeance. He would quickly discover who the guilty was; Vinnie! (See Sift Renegade 2) Although he would also discover that the hit was ordered from within his own clan. After much bloodshed Kiro and Vinnie would put their rivalry aside and find a common ground. In that same instance an unpredictable association would be formed between the three! From there Sift Heads World – Act 1 is born!

Vinnie's early life

I want to tell about Vinnie's early life.

Vinnie was born an only child in Florence, into a family as simple as the next. At 2 years old he lost his dad in a gun-fire between two rival clans in Italy.
Wanting to forget this tragic incident his mother decided to leave Europe and move to America to start a new life. Vinnie got his first taste of money by conning the cons themselves in the streets of Chicago. What was a simple hobby to him quickly turned into a profession. His name would spread very fast among locals as being the best bounty hunter in the area and soon the best in the world.

Obviously, such notoriety would bring him many contracts, lots of money and women, but also his share of enemies. Although, this did not intimidate our star, who eliminated all who dared to oppose him. And all of a sudden, among all this violence, a woman entered his life. Vinnie was surprised that she could withstand such blood baths, but behold she could not withstand his charm. And since this day Shorty has been rolling by Vinnie’s side, and not just in the bedroom.

A contract hit that turned sour forced Vinnie to meet one of his biggest adversaries: Kiro, an ex-member of the Yakuza, thirsty for vengeance (see: Sift Renegade 1, Sift Heads 5 and Sift Renegade 2). Following several heated battles Vinnie proposed an alternative to this quarrel and let Kiro take position among their team. And here is where Sift Heads World – Act 1 begins!

Monday, December 13, 2010

About me

Hello,friends!!!Welcome to my "Sift Heads World:Vinnie's Diary.Well,is not really written by Vinnie,is Matthew Chan.You can play many Sift Heads games in this blog(you must open another Internet)like Sift Heads 1,Sift Heads 2,Sift Heads 3 and other.These games is very old,but is also very good to play.

The newest Sift Heads is Sift Heads World.There are many act to play Sift Heads World(act1 to act 7,the more will coming soon!!!).

If you want to search Sift Heads website,go to .There are more interesting than me!!!I make this blog just tell about Vinnie's life.

So,enjoy my blog!!!